Michael Charles Adams MBE Memorial Trust

The MCA Trust Feedback and Complaints Policy

The MCA Trust aims to bring hope and happiness to vibrant young people and their families during some of the most challenging times they’ll ever face. Our work with cancer patients under the age of 22 varies between funding vital equipment and resources and providing much-needed support during treatment periods and times of respite.

The MCA Trust is a member of the Fundraising Regulator, which means that we follow the Code of Fundraising Practice and actively fulfil our Fundraising Promise. We rely on donations and sponsorships to fund our work and we have built strong connections with businesses across the region who champion our cause. We are volunteer driven, with a core team of trustees. As a charity, we are committed to maintaining these relationships, so we welcome feedback and suggestions, whether positive or negative, with open arms. 

Raising a complaint

All comments and complaints received are reviewed and processed accordingly by the full board of trustees within an appropriate time frame. Using fair and effective judgement, we will aim to present a sensitive response that entirely resolves any grievance.

If you would like to share feedback or make a complaint, please do so in writing by sending an email to heretohelp@mcatrust.org.uk

Alternatively, you may wish to formally write to us:

The MCA Trust
97 High Road
Orsett Village
RM16 3LD

When raising a complaint, please help us to respond effectively by including your contact details within your written communication. Please describe the nature of your complaint in as much detail as possible and include an accurate timeline of events.

Our commitment to resolving your complaint is second to none. We will acknowledge the receipt of your email or letter within five working days from the date that it arrives in our inbox or on our doormat. Within this communication, we will lay out a timeline for how long we believe it will take us to investigate the issue(s) you raise and provide you with the contact details of the trustee or legal body who will be handling your case.

At appropriate points within the expected response time, we will provide updates via email, post, or telephone. We will give you advance warning in writing if the investigation is going to take longer than originally quoted.

You should expect to receive a full response, via written letter, on or before the proposed resolution date.


If your complaint is specific to our fundraising work and our initial response should fail to meet your expectations, you may wish to escalate your concern to the Fundraising Regulator using the following methods:

Online: Complete the online complaints form

Email: complaints@fundraisingregulator.org.uk

Written letter:
The Fundraising Regulator
Eagle House
167 City Road

Phone: 0300 999 3407 (Monday to Friday, 09.30 am – 4.30 pm)

If your complaint relates to another area of our work and our initial response should fail to meet your expectations, you may choose to escalate the issue to the Charity Commission using the ‘Raising concerns’ online form.

How we will handle your data

When you make a complaint, we will need to keep a record of the following information. This is for the protection of all parties involved. The data will be stored securely, within password protected files (digital) or locked storage (physical), dependent on the medium of communication used.

Personal details will include but not be limited to:

Your name and the names of those mentioned within your complaint
Postal and/or residential addresses
Email address(es)
Telephone numbers

We will also record the date on which we received your written complaint, alongside the specific details of the complaint itself and of the investigation we have carried out in an attempt to find a resolution. Any and all related correspondence will be retained.

Further reading

We truly believe that we perform our work to the highest standards of morality. You can read our privacy, fundraising, safeguarding and accessibility policies on our website (www.mcatrust.org.uk), where you will also find details of our finances and our governance protocols. Please contact heretohelp@mcatrust.org.uk to request any further clarity you need in regards to our operations and procedures.